Desperate for cash and considering selling your property? Stop! There may be a better solution than losing your home. Such as those we have outlined here.
Sell Your Property Quickly for Cash
Are you considering – or being financially forced – to sell your house for cash? If so we can help. But there may be other avenues you can go down too.
Here at Faster Property Solutions we can provide a life-raft if you feel you’re currently drowning in debt. Not only that but we will hold your hand and help you solve every problem you have. That means dealing with your mortgage lenders and other debt companies, conveyancers, and estate agents for you. More importantly though, we can take most of your stress and worry away. Want to know more? Then please click on which of the following options applies best to your current situation.
I am in debt and need a cash advance:
Money for your mortgage:
We can provide the cash to pay off debt on your overdue mortgage payments. This will let you get back on your feet financially and start from a level playing field. In other words, you can avoid house repossession. Getting your mortgage payments up to date will give you some ‘breathing space’ while you think of what to do next.
Money for repairs and refurbishment – to sell your home fast and avoid repossession:

We can also provide cash to allow you to pay for repairs to the property. This means that if you do decide to sell, buyers won’t ask for reductions because of a leaking roof, etc. It also means you should get a fair price for the property because you can sell it on the open market. This is never the case with a house repossession where the lender just wants a quick sale.
Money for living expenses:
Maybe you are unable to work because of ill health or have lost your job and are in the process of getting another one. During that transition period, you are struggling while , trying to get on with life, you obviously need money to get by. We can help here too.
Money to pay off other debts:

No-one wants to be saddled with unpaid debt. And if there’s more than one debt then it can all feel overwhelming – to the extent you can’t bring yourself to think about it. And then those existing debts mount up. Pay off debt by tackling the smaller payments with one lump sum can give you clarity and make financial matters more manageable.
My house is being repossessed:
Paying off your arrears and then help sell your property for you:
By helping you pay off your mortgage arrears we can stop the lender carrying out a house repossession. This gives you a bit of breathing space and allows you to think about what may be the best option for you in the long-run. We can then help you sell for cash if that is what you still want to do.
Helping you sell your home at market value:
If you decide that you do want to sell your property and move on, then we can help you do that. At the same time, we will make sure you get a fair market value for your property. This isn’t the case with a house repossession where the lender is typically only interested in getting their money back quickly. Fees from lenders and their solicitors also increase quickly.
Providing you with the money you need to do what you need to do while helping you refurbish your property to be able to sell it for much more:
We can help you improve your property by giving you the money for repairs and refurbishments. For information on how to add value to your home, check out this article. Certainly, having a property which is in walk-in condition will add to its value.
Helping you to assess and pay off other debts, which may be affecting your ability to pay off your mortgage:
We can give you the money to pay off debt in other areas of your life. This means you will be able to focus on paying off your mortgage and avoiding house repossession. We guarantee that life will become a lot less stressful as a result. Telling yourself ‘I’ll sell my house’ may not be the best option for you, after all.
Helping to find you a new property and pay the deposit. We would then help you sell so you don’t have any concerns about the transition:
With the threat of a looming house repossession, understandably it’s difficult to think straight. And yet you need all your faculties when it comes to selling your current home and buying another. This is where we can help. We can deal with the sale (even sell for cash) and help you with the paperwork and cost of the deposit when moving into your next home.
Helping with the practical aspects of moving into a new home:
Moving furniture, setting up utility bills, informing the post office your mail needs redirecting – there is a lot to think about when moving to a new house. We have helped lots of clients with this over the years and can help you with it all too.
Dealing with the legal side of moving into a new property:

Signing a new lease, making sure the financial aspect is sorted, liaising with a conveyancer – we can certainly help you with this too.
My house has already been repossessed:
We will, as a matter of urgency, make sure you have somewhere to sleep.
If your house has already been repossessed, our first priority will be to ensure we find you a place for you and your family to stay. There is nothing more distressing than having nowhere to go, and this will be our first priority.
Do whatever it takes to help you get the keys back as we have done numerous times already.
We will do our best to negotiate with your mortgage lender so you can gain access to your property again while we sort out the mortgage payment arrears with them, and find a longer term solution with you.
Planning your financial affairs to prevent you from getting into debt again:
Here at Faster Property Solutions we offer a number of solutions to problems related to potential house repossession. We can even help with repossessions that are scheduled to go ahead that particular day. To find out what we can do for you here is how we can help, in a nutshell.
Now that you have been through the nightmare that is debt which could potentially lead to losing your home, you can start afresh. In order to make sure you don’t go back to your old ways with money we can help you plan for your financial future. For starters, we can put you in touch with a financial life coach.